THE BIG HIT | Punishment Time

by Ken Napzok “I’m out it for a little while and everybody gets delusions of grandeur.” – Han Solo, hero and scoundrel. My apologies. I was a little out of sync and finished the month’s third column a little later than planned due to an illness and a car accident.  I’m fine. My 2004 Camry is not.  I returned to the fold having missed most … Continue reading THE BIG HIT | Punishment Time

THE BIG HIT | Winners and Losers of the Winter Meetings

by Ken Napzok Whelp. The Winter Meetings have come and gone. Another General Manager’s Prom is in the books and there were some big… giant… epic moves that really turned heads and inspired think pieces and lil’ think Tweets while getting many fans excited for the new season while causing a little balls of stress to form in the chests of others. So, you know, … Continue reading THE BIG HIT | Winners and Losers of the Winter Meetings